
Listen to the signals, intuitive responses, body cues, environmental clues, physical; signs of panic that something is amiss, hair on end, unease, racing heart, anxiety, panic, a chill etc. THEN take steps to preventatively, pro-actively Protect Yourself BETTER.

When out and about in the world, make it a top priority to keep yourself, your family, kids and others safe Self Defense, Personal Protection does not need to be hard or complex to master either

There are basic to advanced, even martial arts type training, moves, using your body, parts, holds, actions to survive, prevent or even subdue, eliminate, hurt or eliminate threat, attacker/assailant.

Our human system is designed to sense and respond. We have our intuition, instincts, muscles, nervous system etc. to thank for that. We are hardwired for survival to an extent. Sometimes we just do not listen to the warning signs and early signals that there are threats, risks and potential troublesome situations or dangerous people lurking about, stalking or approaching.

Even when you are walking at a steady pace and you are approached by a stranger, that sudden onset of distrust should not be dismissed. Not everyone is a good Samaritan, some are even wolves in sheep’s clothing. DO NOT TRUST ANYONE when you are at the lower end of the power scale, exposed, at risk, alone, disoriented etc.

Constricted breathing
Frowning forehead
Stomach in a knot
Tightening muscles
Tilted head to hear better
Tingles of unease traveling up and down your back Twinge of fear, uncertainty or dread

… and many more!

These can all be indicators, physical warning signs that your body is sending to you that there is something wrong, you are under threat, at risk or in danger.

If we listen and tune in to what our bodies are trying to tell us, nature can help us out and maybe even save our lives. This apprehension is a great built-in defense mechanism you can get to know for what it is, that in those moments when they matter most, you can trust on them to help you out and rescue you from harm or criminal, foul intent to hurt, injure, assault, kill.

Making a quick get-away, changing course, rapid action, zig-zag maneuvers, cutting across the street to where there are others, safety will typically be best.

Awareness and reacting to others and your environment can save your life. Cautiously going about your business and routines, never hurt anyone. Taking that extra moment and special step might just end up keeping you out of harms way, or even saving you from attack or your life!

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