One thing you will learn in self-defense classes is how to effectively use your elbows. The elbows are one of the most effective weapons that you have -- if you know how to use them right. 

First, elbows can be used for defense against strikes. Our natural response is to defend areas of our bodies, such as our faces, with our hands. This is a mistake. Put your hands up like you are ready to fight, but when the blow is coming towards you, raise your elbow to ward it off. 

Next, use your elbows to do damage. An elbow strike in the face hurts your assailant much more than a fist. The elbow has a large, hard, sharp bone, and it can simply do more damage than your hands can. An elbow in the throat, in the groin, or even in the ribs can also be quite effective.

You can put a great deal of force behind an elbow strike, without giving your assailant a
 clue as to what you are about to do. To strike with your fists with any effect, one must draw back, and then strike. An elbow, however, doesn't require you to draw back. It only requires you to move quickly -- and with force.


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